
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cool 4th of July Fun


Since we have moved 2 hours away from anybody we know, holidays have become a strictly family affair. Yesterday, I was hit by the realization that there wasn't a cookout to attend, so I loaded the kids up and ran to the store. I needed to find a few things to do, so we could celebrate this great day in style and on a budget.

I decided that we would paint t-shirts since Grandma Debby had given Misses a tub full of fabric paint. I bought them each a cheap white shirt. Then I noticed that strawberries were on sale for $1.78! So we picked them up and some Wilton Chocolate Disks and blue sprinkles. There I had some things to do inside, since it has been terribly HOT!

Today we got to work on our projects . . .

The Shirts! . . . I just let them go to town and they loved it. Bubba may have tasted it . . . oops.

The Strawberries were fun and yummy too!

Then of course some firecrackers that can only be done Illinois style (meaning the boring ones only little kids enjoy).

All in all it was a nice relaxing 4th of July. The kids had fun and mom and dad got to relax some too.

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