
Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year . . . New or Old Resolutions

With New Years Eve starting in about half an hour, I am compelled to think about some changes I want to make in 2013. I know, I know most resolutions don't make it past January 31, but I have been successful with some in the past. Therefore, I am hopeful each year as I make my list. Starting in the year 2013, I promise to . . .

1. Continue loosing the baby weight; I have about 15lbs to go.
2. Have a game night with Misses at least once a week
3. Sign Bubba up for swimming lessons
4. Go on a weekend vacation as a family
5. Organize, organize, organize

Five may sound like a lot, but each of these are things I already do. I just want to be more consistent in doing them. Except for the vacation. We haven't gone on a family vacation since Misses was 2 1/2. This year Bubba will be 2, so it should be completely doable to make this happen.

To loose the last of the baby weight, I will count my calories and go to the gym at least 3 times a week. I will have Misses pick a night, and that will be the night she get to stay up 30 minutes past her bed time to play games. We are members at the YMCA, so I will get a swimming schedule and sign Bubba up for lessons. I will be sure to get the items I need to organize either our hats and gloves, or the Christmas wrapping items.

As I complete each one, I will report back. This will help keep me accountable. What are your resolutions for 2013?

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