Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How to Kick a Cold Fast

With it being cold and flu season, again. I thought I would post how I kick a cold with some over the counter vitamins and the good old hot toddy.

The first day I started to feel crummy was on a Sunday. That day I just kind of took it easy. On Monday I knew this was becoming a serious cold, but not just a head cold. My throat was feeling scratchy, too. Before I had my coffee, I mixed up my cup of E-mergancy-C. This stuff is a fizzy drink mix packed full of vitamin C, vitamin B, and lots more. It helps boost your system with vitamins and the B-vitamins give you some extra energy. I went to work and came home worn out. This is when I knew I would have to do something before bed.

Just before bedtime, I made myself a hot toddy. There are many variations to this recipe, I use hot black tea, whiskey, honey, and lemon juice(when I have it). To make: fill a coffee cup half way with water and heat. Add about a shot of whiskey and two tablespoons of honey. If you have it, add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Drink it up while it's hot and go to bed with an extra blanket. The whiskey helps you sleep and sweat. The honey sooths the throat, and the lemon is packed with antioxidants. I did this ritual of E-mergancy-C in the morning and hot toddies before bed through Wednesday. I also tried to rest as much as I could. With work and two young children the rest isn't easy. On Wednesday I felt so much better. I wasn't overly tired; I felt like I could accomplish something.

So if you are feeling like a cold is coming on, try drinking a hot toddy before bed. Hey if it was good enough for my grandma, it's good enough for me. Happy Holidays!

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